No One Gives a F**k About a Cop and Fredy:
Conveying the Voices of the Collectivity

By Edith Brunette
Text published in Esse arts + opinions, nº 104
Winter 2022

“The police officer and the victim rapped their respective arguments, the former criticizing the naiveté of the Defund the Police movement, the latter reciting the names of black people killed by police. Speaking again after dancing a solo of slow, sweeping movements, the woman-justice closed the performance with an injunction addressed to the (white) public—“Declare what side you’re on”—before turning her back to it. It was an injunction to join the political battle, an unexpected response to Soutar and her “objective” theatre, and a backhand shot at a judicial system based on the principle of steering clear of politics (even if only in an illusory manner). […]
        In contrast to the public community that had not yet been “reached,” on behalf of which and to which Soutar speaks, Roberts and Newton speak from their roots in a community that has been historically “reached”: marked in its flesh by the continual inscription of white violence. Here, the act of putting justice back into the hands of a Black court—and giving voice to murdered flesh in a rap battle—seems to act less like a call to “discover the truth” and more like a call to make visible: make the erasure visible, give the “flesh” back its humanity.”